Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's time for a celebration!

Or, it's getting close to that time! Blooming Grove, Texas will be having a grand observance of Independence Day. Because the Fourth of July falls on Monday this year, the town will have festivities on Saturday, July 2.

The event is shaping up to be some old-fashioned, wholesome fun. Starting at 10:00 AM, there will be competitive foot races on Fordyce Street. Interested runners should register in advance, will compete in age groups, and prizes will be awarded. Proceeds from the rate entries will benefit the Blooming Grove Independent School District.

Following the foot races will be a parade the length of Fordyce Street that will feature participants and floats from community businesses and organizations.

The parade leads to the intersection of Fordyce Street and East South Main Street at the park. When all have gathered, there will be a flag raising ceremony, the singing of the National Anthem, and recognition of veterans.

As the solemn observances conclude, more fun is in store. Among the festivities, we'll have

  • Texas Trivia 
  • Dog costume contest
  • Duck pond for the littles
  • Cookie walk 
  • Even a water melon seed spitting competition
Something for everyone!

Aside from the games, there will be food vendors, a bake sale, flags for sale, awards for the best parade float and the most patriotic yard in town.

Of course, there will be an Inn at Blooming Grove entry in the parade, but more to the point - we have the best vantage for parade viewing in town - comfortable rockers in the shade and complimentary ice cold beverages for guests. After the parade, you can stroll up town and enjoy the good times.

If we haven't convinced you a great time is to be had yet, check out some pictures from years past:

Now, who wouldn't have a good time with all this?

The Innkeepers
