Thursday, October 27, 2011

Holidays are in sight.

Cooler weather is upon us!  A welcoming rain restores green to our lawns and blooms to the fall garden.  Tricks and Treats, a new moon and the Fall Classic – Go Rangers! - bring an end to October and a start to the holidays.  Here at the Inn that means we are busy, busy, busy with preparations.  In just a few short weeks, family will gather to share food, thanks for a year of blessings and maybe a little football or a boy named Charlie Brown.  Oh, but also, we unpack the bulbs, the tinsel, the countless strings of lights, the stockings, the trees (all five), the Christmas village, the nutcracker and all the decorations which will adorn the house ‘til that twelfth day passes once again.  What a sight to see!  No, really!  Come stay with us, you have to see for yourself!

Okay, if you can’t wait ‘til after Thanksgiving to stay with us, plan an early November trip and take in a show at The Palace Theater in Corsicana.  Showing four nights beginning November 10th, “The King and I” will be presented by The Warehouse Living Arts Center.  Rogers and Hammerstein’s adaptation of Anna and the King of Siam is a wonderful way to enjoy a relaxing weekend at the Inn and humorous entertainment in downtown Corsicana.  Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera!

Whatever you do to commence your holiday season, the proprietors of the Inn at Blooming Grove wish all the happiness, all the warmth and all the safety for you and all you hold dear.  Happy Holidays!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Just beautiful.

Just thought we'd share some pictures of recent "visitors" at our place...

In the midst of this drought (which I don't really want to think about least not for now), we've been thrilled here at the Inn at Blooming Grove to see so many beautiful flowers. It's heartening to see just how resilient Mother Nature can be, and how she produces such joy with so little encouragement.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Ex-Student Association Members - Welcome!

One of the things dear to us as residents of Blooming Grove is the annual meeting of the Ex-Student Association Members. Although we didn't grow up here, it's such a joy for us to meet and learn about people we've heard our friends and neighbors talk about, and to hear stories of the important difference a former student made in this town.

Each year in October, these folks gather to re-acquaint themselves, to take care of a little business, and to honor each other as well as former teachers from the area. The festivities are quite a happening in town, and we enjoy watching the gathering.

We also like to offer a discount to any ex-student who will be in town for the weekend. Give us a call to book, or book online and use the coupon code 1025REN. Be sure, if you book online, to tell us your class year in the "Special Occasion" box.

We're looking forward to seeing you all here in a couple weeks.

Sandra &Randy Girouard
Inn at Blooming Grove

Thursday, September 29, 2011

That time of year again.

Hello, all.

We've been very quiet - and for good reason. It's been a long, hot, dry summer, and on days like those, the best way to keep cool is to keep still and quiet. So quiet we've been. There have been the intrepid souls who ventured out for a getaway and stayed with us - but for the most part, everyone seemed to be taking the same strategy we did - stay home, stay quiet, stay as cool as you can manage.

With the onset of September, however, things have picked up quite a bit here at the Inn. We've had a regular stream of guests, and this weekend hosted a full house of attendees at the Texas Motorplex in Ennis. Although we're 26 miles from the track, our guests tell me that when you factor in fighting traffic, staying at our place in Blooming Grove is a shorter drive, time-wise.

Looking ahead - this year, again, we are pleased to be participating in the B&Bs for Vets program. This program is a thank you, offered by B7B owners, to active and retired military and vets for their service. By clicking on the link, you can access a list of participating Inns and B&Bs. You are encouraged to check early; participating establishments fill up fast.

Today is supposed to be the last 100° day we'll be seeing for a while, so enjoy the coming, cooler weather.

Sandra & Randy Girouard
Inn At Blooming Grove

Saturday, July 2, 2011

A sweet old time...

In case you weren't able to make it, here's a glimpse of what you missed...

Fourth of July Parade, Blooming Grove, TX 2011

And that was just the parade. After there were vendors and food in the park, a patriotic celebration with recognition of veterans, a pet contest, and a raffle to benefit the all-volunteer fire department.

And the Inn at Blooming Grove won second runner up for most patriotic yard (...which just sets the goal for next year...).

We spent the afternoon "recovering" in the Inn, relaxing in the cool air conditioning and comfy couches with tummies full of lemonade and the best smoked brisket.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's time for a celebration!

Or, it's getting close to that time! Blooming Grove, Texas will be having a grand observance of Independence Day. Because the Fourth of July falls on Monday this year, the town will have festivities on Saturday, July 2.

The event is shaping up to be some old-fashioned, wholesome fun. Starting at 10:00 AM, there will be competitive foot races on Fordyce Street. Interested runners should register in advance, will compete in age groups, and prizes will be awarded. Proceeds from the rate entries will benefit the Blooming Grove Independent School District.

Following the foot races will be a parade the length of Fordyce Street that will feature participants and floats from community businesses and organizations.

The parade leads to the intersection of Fordyce Street and East South Main Street at the park. When all have gathered, there will be a flag raising ceremony, the singing of the National Anthem, and recognition of veterans.

As the solemn observances conclude, more fun is in store. Among the festivities, we'll have

  • Texas Trivia 
  • Dog costume contest
  • Duck pond for the littles
  • Cookie walk 
  • Even a water melon seed spitting competition
Something for everyone!

Aside from the games, there will be food vendors, a bake sale, flags for sale, awards for the best parade float and the most patriotic yard in town.

Of course, there will be an Inn at Blooming Grove entry in the parade, but more to the point - we have the best vantage for parade viewing in town - comfortable rockers in the shade and complimentary ice cold beverages for guests. After the parade, you can stroll up town and enjoy the good times.

If we haven't convinced you a great time is to be had yet, check out some pictures from years past:

Now, who wouldn't have a good time with all this?

The Innkeepers


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A weekend of antiques and classics

Before I get to today's post, I have to stop and smile at our last one - it's been less than four weeks, and our garden is in place, all my flowering bulbs have sprouted (some are in great bloom!) and today is beautifully sunny, if a bit windy.

All right then - if you're in the mood to check out some antiques, the weekend of March 11-12, the Outlets at Hillsboro are having a two-day antiques show. To boot, they're including a classic car show and wine tasting on Saturday. Vendors will also include crafts and food. With all that, and the outlet stores themselves, it will be something to see.

We're going to offer a special: Anyone who books Friday, March 11, and mentions the Outlets at Hillsboro's Antique Show will be able to book Saturday night, March 12, at half price. It's like getting 25% off both nights. You must enter the code MARANT in the coupon field when making your reservation, and the discount is only valid with a two night minimum stay the weekend of March 11.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Texas weather...

...keeps you guessing. But it sure is pretty.

Everyone stay safe and enjoy.

The Innkeepers