Thursday, September 29, 2011

That time of year again.

Hello, all.

We've been very quiet - and for good reason. It's been a long, hot, dry summer, and on days like those, the best way to keep cool is to keep still and quiet. So quiet we've been. There have been the intrepid souls who ventured out for a getaway and stayed with us - but for the most part, everyone seemed to be taking the same strategy we did - stay home, stay quiet, stay as cool as you can manage.

With the onset of September, however, things have picked up quite a bit here at the Inn. We've had a regular stream of guests, and this weekend hosted a full house of attendees at the Texas Motorplex in Ennis. Although we're 26 miles from the track, our guests tell me that when you factor in fighting traffic, staying at our place in Blooming Grove is a shorter drive, time-wise.

Looking ahead - this year, again, we are pleased to be participating in the B&Bs for Vets program. This program is a thank you, offered by B7B owners, to active and retired military and vets for their service. By clicking on the link, you can access a list of participating Inns and B&Bs. You are encouraged to check early; participating establishments fill up fast.

Today is supposed to be the last 100° day we'll be seeing for a while, so enjoy the coming, cooler weather.

Sandra & Randy Girouard
Inn At Blooming Grove

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